Clubs and Organizations in Lake County

This will be an informational and ongoing post on my Blog. I will update as best I can the various clubs, organizations and associations that are active in Lake County California.

Business Clubs and Associations:

1. Lake County Regional Chamber of Commerce

2. Lake County Association of Realtors

3. Main Street Business Association,  Lakeport,

4. Kelseyville Business Associations




Educational Clubs:

1.  Toastmasters, Club 8731, The Tenacious Talkers.

The Tenacious Talkers meet every Thursday evening. Meetings start at 6:15 PM.  They meet at 2150 Argonaut Road, Finley, Ca.

I am a member of the local Toastmasters Club 8731, The Tenacious Talkers, and what keeps me coming back each week are the personal stories that people share and the encouragement that members provide to each other to improve their communication and leadership skills. The members of our club is made up of a myriad of ages, statuses and occupations. White collar, blue collar, we have it all.

This Thursday, July 24th we will have an open house at 1800 S. Main St. Lakeport at the Lakeport Lagoons Clubhouse.
I just got word that I will be one of the speakers which means I need to buckle down and start drafting a speech. I was terrified to give speeches five years ago but now I feel little intimidation about it.

Senior Centers, Clubs and Organizations




Veterans Clubs and Groups:

1.  Operation Tango Mike is an excellent support organization for our active military serving abroad in hazardous duty assignments like Afghanistan and Iraq.  They do fund raisers to send care packages messages of support to the troops. To learn more you can contact them by e-mail:  Please feel free to call them at  (707) 349-2838.

2. VFW




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